
The Return of MCT

MCT has arrived home from Massacheussettes with the most wonderful tales to tell. She has exchanged with Old Hounder, Siamese, The Merry Pranksters and Sapphireberry. Her logbook is a riot of colour, amongst which is a veritable march of Penguins!

She is very grateful to have made so many friends who have helped her find her way around and gave her clues for the local letterboxes. She has joined a letterboxing group called the Grateful Letterboxers. MCT hasn't stopped singing to herself ever since she got home.


Another Boxing Buddy Corrupted!

Oh the horror of it, why is it always my Boxing Buddies that develop bad habits when I am not looking. I have had a report from Dale End Farm that MCT has found one of those.... yes you know.... the boxes without any stamps but lots of bits and pieces. Fortunately their dog, Winnie has a very fine sense of right and wrong and immediately picked MCT up and removed her far from temptation. I just hope Winnie can remember where MCT is when it is time to come home :-)