
Plunging straight into Letterboxing - American style

My Cousin Turtle has arrived safely and has immediately been plunged into letterboxing American style. She has already met and done exchanges with Oldhounder, Siamese and The Merry Pranksters. It was very exciting to do exchanges as this is something not done in England, she really felt that she was abroad at last. Dale End Farm also took Turtle on a letterboxing expedition with them which she really enjoyed, and she is starting to learn the names of the American types of tree which are used in the clues.


Anonymous said...

My cousin turtle had some other adventures yesterday, including being snatched away and carried by my other "buddy" Winni (the puppy, a real one!). I don't know how to send you pictures, but I have some, kinda blurry

midlandtrailblazer said...

ah, trees! hubby loves identifying trees. do you know that at one time he could identify what wood was burning by the smell? he has a very keen sense of smell, which is sometimes a pain :( hope turtle enjoys it!